Friday, 8 June 2012

Week1&2 post by Adele

Week 1


History is a body knowledge. All that is remembered of the past is preserved in writing. Whatever I said, I did, I wrote even in the past one minute is history. My presence will be my history.  

Earth is full of human creativity. God created human. Therefore, God is creative. Earth is formed by all kinds of art. Even in the word 'EARTH' itself, earth without arty will just be 'EARTH' EH. Every product, music, photography, graphic, visual presentation is an art. It is a superior skill we can obtain by study and practice through observation.

A work to be executed to prepare the preliminary sketch or the plans. Forming a plan and conceive in the mind. It is a blueprint to be constructed. It is also a intention and purpose.


What do you want from this course?

Past history has been justified for reasons we would no longer accept. Yet I still study because I want the understanding on how the creativity of people in the history has evolved into the world and technology today. 

Of course, people in today's world don't go and carve graphics on cave's wall any more but behold, that's how human did it last time. We are so caught up with new technologies that we often forgot our origin, so I just want to sit still, let my imagination flows through the lecture slides and harbour the beauty of art, where's art from? How's art formed? What's element involved?

When there's no history, how are we going to improve? No way! Everything needs a starting point.

What do you want to be doing in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?

In the bible it says, 
"Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams."
Okay some of you may go, "oh God there she goes holy-molly again"
Seriously, without GOD, how am I gonna visualize myself in the future? I will not be the Adele you see right now, doing what I love most. 

In 5 years? Well known, well known and well known. Now you're thinking.. Is fame so important to me? Definitely!

Aim for the moon, even if you didn't reach, you will fall among the stars.

WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER is my dream job, I'm already doing it now as a freelance. I just need to be recognized. To me, contacts are the key to my income.

10 years? Open a photography studio that established in my own name. 

20 years? I'll probably be too old to stay behind the camera lense and shoot in an awkward posture. However, I will be conducting work shops for the new generation's photographers. Or, travel around the world is a good idea too :)

What do you hope to get from this particular class?

Other than knowledge like what others said, I hope to get friends who support and run my vision with me. People in our university often are the one we will kick start our dreams with. I love to be bold and adventurous! I believe we are going to be another bunch of history makers. 

Is history of art and design necessary? do you think for your longer goals?

Yes it is. We judge by our common sense. Let's say, if we don't understand, will we abide?  No. That why it's necessary to know about it.

History well told is beautiful. What more is history of ART and DESIGN. 

Yes, I think for my longer goals too. Our brain is made to evaluate and remember things (although sometimes it doesn't) So whatever I learn now, there will be a possibility for me to use to apply into certain situations in the future.

The most beautiful thing for me

Not exactly a 'thing', but is the moment. I love painting stories with my camera. 
What's beautiful makes me happy. The smile I framed, the sunlight I senses, the nature I sighted, all these are real! I am the witness, this explains how I love wedding.

The ugliest thing for me

Having problem loading? Your connection is completely fine. 
Can't see a thing? Oh yessss you got it right. Nothing. Well, nothing is ugly to me. A blank image can be beautiful if you imagine.

Nothing is a powerful word, which means non-existence.

On the total different concept, I think 'Nothing' is ugliest because if we literally have nothing on this earth and the whole universe is just about heaven or hell, we can't even experience, understand and judge the real ugliness on this earth. Hence, 'nothing' carries more weight than seeing the ugliest thing.

If we're made OF nothing FOR nothing, we are nothing. If we're made for greatness, we will succeed. Okay read this sentence again and be encouraged :)

Ng Gok Heng, ADELE (1102109)

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