What do you want from this course?
For me, I like to describe my photo meaning to others so through this course I would like to learn about the origin of art and design. Art and Design include graphic this is why I hope I can obtain more knowledge about how to understand graphic(visual) more clearly using old time perspective. Knowledge from our past.
What do you want to be doing in 5 years?
During this 5 years, I would like to start learning how to use dslr and how to take a nice and fine photo. To me photo is like a message and a story book. Through photo, you can become a sender and your audience will become receiver who receive your photo message and the true intention. This is why I want to sharpen my skill to send my photo message to others because I believe that without true skills, that is not a good photo. After these studies, I would like to find a job which is become a photographer or become a lecturer which teaches photograph or design.
What do you want to be doing in 10 years?
After that 5 years of hardship, if I have a successful career in this country, I will like to further my career out of the country and starting to open a studio which teaches how to take good photo through my experience.
What do you want to be doing in 20 years?
After that 10 years, I will continue to establish my career. Other than that, I will conduct an exhibition of my masterpieces photos.
What do you hope to get from this particular class?
Through this particular class, I hope that I can obtain more and more knowledge of the past designer.
Is history of art and design necessary do you think for your larger goals?
It is necessary since art and design is important for photo. For sure the history of art and design is also necessary, If we can understand old generation knowledge, it will be useful for us.
Image of the most beautiful thing for you.
This is a photo that I take and edited myself. This picture contain vehicle, building and human. I think this is my most beautiful thing because this picture reach the message I want to send. This photo contain cold color which can contrast the photo serious emotion Meaning of photo - No matter how busy you are, no matter how late you stay outside but please remember that your family is still waiting for you to come back.
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