Saturday, 9 June 2012

HoA&D week1+2

Yap Zi Hui  (1201941)

For my opinion, HISTORY not just a "his-story" and is for everyone on earth. It is a huge story and evolution of story.Like World History, reorganize from the event that affect the world like Renaissance, Industrial Revolution, WorldWar I, WorldWar II, Economic Crisisand etc. Also, history are important for human, history from the past can teached and vigilanced human which were wrong or right, or which were a great research and improve for human.The word HISTORY come from was spelt as "Historia", meaning to inquire as well as narrative and history.

Art came from hundreds of years of development in culture and creativity. The first known works of art came from the Stone Age. Human didn't have a clear and systematic languages. So peoples basically using art like pictures draw on sand, cave to told the other people what they want to explain and memorize. Actually, the languages and words also came from art, example like china Pictograph.

Design can be describe as set by people, expect achieve the desired results. From the word SIGN is draw something, even sense or non-sense. Seem it means describe your sign, tell the people that things, items your design was from your own mind and idea.


What do you want from this course?
What do i want from this course is the inspire and quotes from the history of art & design for my artworks and knowledges. I am understanding them can help a lot to my mind and thinking because inspired are come from what we know and understand. It will improve my thinking of arts, really.

What do you want to be doing in
5 years?
Become to a well speaker, that what i actually hopes and accomplish.
10 years?
Become a designer of book cover and illustrator, simple reason because i love reading, maybe i failed on writing so what can i do is design book cover.
20 years?
I will continue to explore and research everything i interest in. Walk around the world and find out the amazing thing create by natural, human or anything And be a happy guy. : )

What do you hope to get from this particular class?
Friends, Irreplaceable knowledges and skills. And create some best history from here!

Is history of art and design necessary? Do you think for longer goals?
Yes, why not? Because understand history mean you get a mirror from the world, a mirror make you understand which were wrong or right, which were conventional or creative. History helps us a lot in our whole life.

Image of the most beautiful things for you.

Narcissus, the most beautiful flower i love. It contains a lot of story on its, especially its origin from the Greek mythology.
-Narcissus in Greek mythology was a hunter from the territory of Thespiae in Boeotia who was renowned for his beauty. He was exceptionally proud, in that he disdained those who loved him. Nemesis saw this and attracted Narcissus to a pool where he saw his own reflection in the water and fell in love with it, not realizing it was merely an image. Unable to leave the beauty of his reflection, Narcissus died.
-From wikipedia-
Actually narcissus also describe be an another story, that was my favourite story even.
Image of most ugly thing for you.

The road full of mud when i was mountaineer, it give me a lot of challenge from it, keep balance from myself and beware tripped. Kinda tired from this mud mud road. =.=

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