1. What do you want from this course?
I wish that I could learn more about the history of arts and not to felt boring about it
2. What do you be doing in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?
In 5 years time i will be graduate and finding a GOOD job. 10 years time might already have a family. 20 years time....a great designer. I guess.
3. What do you hope to get from this particular class?
I hope that I can pass all my assignment! Of cause know the fundamental of history art and design and also how art has influence the world.
4. Is history of art and design necessary? Do you think for longer goals?
Yes,is important because if you know the history about arts. how people perceive art, what media/ method historical artist use to do art. I will gain more knowledge about it. For now on, i have no longer goals.
5. Image of most beautiful things for you.
The sunset. I feel relax and comfortable with a little bit of warm and light during sunset.
6. Image the most ugly things for you.
Taken via Google
Personally, i dislike baby Big eyes doll. It look ugly and creepy with the big color eyes that can blink when you move it.
In my opinion ,
History is a collection of past events. peoples and information. It also represent years and time of an important events. History also known as a story or tales.
Art is a combination of creativity and imagination of a person. It include a person experience that can shared with others. It also act as expression of a mood, culture, object and environment.
Design is a drawing that show the look of and product or object. After that, it can turn to become a 3-D model. Design is a visual art which people understand by seeing it.
Chervie Poon Woei Kooi
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