Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Meaning of History,Art,Design and Week 2 homework

Chen Jien Sin 1006758

HISTORY in dictionary means the study of past events, particularly in human affairs, the past considered as a whole. In my opinion history is the record of the past event and it let you know where you coming from and guide you where you should go.

ART have no a specific definition, the definition will change in the different times different era and also different places.

Design means a plan and is essentially a rational, logical, sequential process intended to solve problems. 
Archer wrote that:
“Design is that area of human experience, skill and knowledge which is concerned with man’s ability to mould his environment to suit his material and spiritual needs.”

1. What do you want from this course?
I hope to get learn more about history of art and how they develop from the past. other than that, I hope to find some interesting things about this course and get back my interest in history subject.

2. What do you be doing in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?
In the 5 years time I hope to learn and master all the skill that I learn in University and successfully graduate. after graduated I hope to find a good company to train myself to get some experience. 10 years time I hope to set up my own career and get know well by the world or only in Malaysia. In 20 years time I hope to get retire from work and enjoy my life with travel to all country around the world.

3. What do you hope to get from this particular class?
I hope to get more knowledge from the past event, designer and art and try to master it.

4. Is history of art and design necessary? Do you think for longer goals?
I think history of art is important because if you don't know where you coming from how can you know where you going? History is a record of our past event, if you don't know what is happening in the past how you expect what will happen at the future? So history of art is important.

5. Image of most beautiful things for you.
The view from high of the building is nice and the composition of the building is pack but not messy. The colour that using by this photo is so relax and make the city wonderful.

6. Image the most ugly things for you.
this is the most ugly dog in the world, if this dog is just in front me I probably will kick him far far away~>w< 

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