Monday, 18 June 2012

Group definition for Beautiful and Ugly

As we choose the most beautiful and most ugly photo from our group member previous post (Chen Jien Sin)

This is the picture which we choose as the most beautiful picture for our group. As we all attract to this picture. These are our opinion towards this picture.
Ng Gok Heng : To me, the sun makes this picture looks more like the sun is rising. Look at the flare of the sun, it can't wait to show itself to the city. If it's dawn, the flare will be dimmed and yellowish. It portrays a new day just about to emerge, fill with promise and anticipation. On the other side, the light trails in the city looks like the day is ending. The building are all lighted up. This story behind this photo probably tells us there's possibility, choice, variation and chance.Liew Heng Yee :  From the picture it is may dawn, the end of night & started the new day new beginning, every thing is over is past started new beginning, every unhappy, suffering thing is over, we can make it more better than previous that why is beautiful. Chen Jien Shin : The view from high of the building is nice and the composition of the building is pack but no messy. The color that using by this photo is so relax and make the city wonderful.Low Thin Thin : Something beautiful is because the thing have touched your heart. As what I can see from this picture it touched my heart. This picture is beautiful because it has well proportion and composition. The color is nice and makes people feels comfortable. To me, I feel hopes from this picture as family is inside part of the society where and when we live for today and future.Richard Leong Jun Kai : From this picture, as the author is contrasting on the background. By using the light to capture the audience and also this picture is in cold color as it brings calm to people who sees it. As it means it is awaiting the beginning of a new day. We live on today, pray for tomorrow. As we don't know what will happen tomorrow so we live great and live to the fullest for today. It representing hopes and future. Hemala Balasupramaniam :   From this picture, the background colour is cool create a clear and crisp capture that gives a calming effect on the viewer. It is not mean that when day not means everthing ends, the end of night is to started the new day to beginning, so we have to achieve what we want. As what people say live on today, pray for tomorrow. 
Yap Zi Hui :  It capture the horizon and show both sky and cities clearly from the light of dawn which is beautiful part. Building all light on mean people wakeup and start a new day with positive energy.

Chervie Poon Woei Kooi : T
he concept of the photo is light. the light effect on the sky and buildings capture viewer attention. it give the feelings of calm and peace.
Chew Yih Haan : To me something beautiful is something that makes you like it. Therefore the reason I choose this picture is obviously I like the cool color from this picture and the contrast from the lighting background.

The is the picture we choose as the most ugly for our group. These are the opinion from our group.

Ng Gok Heng : We judge by common sense and normality. When one is weird, abnormal and horrid to our eyes, the word 'ugly' automatically float in our mind. First, this alienist dog probably doesn't exist. Look at it's mouth, I don't even dare to connect with the picture because this picture brings unfriendliness. Second, abnormal. Well, I pet a dog, if my dog was to look like this, it's probably a dead dog. This 'dog-not-like-dog's nose is out of composition. Failed photoshop. 3rd, horrid to our eyes. Obviously! Where's the eyes' lens? Where's the FUR? Where got dog no fur one. Well, when one doesn't look like how it supposed to be, it's hard to find the beauty in it.

Liew Heng Yee : This so call dog is fierce & it look not friendly about, overall it look not nice to anybody, and when come close feel sure will bite anybody.

Chen Jien Shin : This is the most ugly dog in the world. If this dog is just in front me, I probably will kick him far far away.

Low Thin Thin : To me something ugly is the thing you don like and feel very uncomfortable or sometimes hate it. I don't feel comfortable when I first saw this picture. As time flows, I begin to hate it. Simplify it, it is ugly.

Richard Leong Jun Kai : As you can see from the photo this is the TOP 1 world's ugliest breed dog named chinese crested. This dog is hairless as it is incomplete dominant trait with a single breed. It skin is similar to human. But it will also lead to allergy which will cause their death. This type of dog does not have the appearance like other type of dog as it don't have furnishing fur and normal mouth. The faces is scary. Sometimes scary visual is what will cause one's perspective to assume something is ugly.

Hemala Balasupramaniam :   To say that they are ugly, unhealthy genetic mistakes is simply telling the truth. These animals must be in very poor health. To breed them could be considered an act of cruelty to animals. Look at them! They must be miserably unhealthy, and feel sick throughout their lives.

Chew Yih Haan : Obviously I don't like this picture once I saw it because something ugly is something that you don't like it or hate it.When you see it you feel bad and don't want to see it. I feel awful when I saw this ugly dog and I don't like it appearance.

Yap Zi Hui : Eyes of this dog are white colour, so where are its pupil? And its teeth are incomplete too. Grim face, dry skin make people afraid it too. Zombie dog.

Chervie Poon Woei Kooi : This photo looks ugly because a dog is not a dog. This is because the dog look fierce and unfriendly. it look awfully disgusting through it eye.


So as a general group conclusion, something is beautiful because the word "BEAUTIFUL" comes from feel. You feel comfortable, you feel amazed by it, you feel love, a feeling that touch your heart, you feel like, feel the absence of ugly, feel happiness as well as good feeling and good emotion.

For the opposite site "UGLY" , this word comes from feeling itself too. But what are those feeling? As we had discuss earlier, we feel something is ugly when we feel disgusting, dislike, when there is not beauty in certain things and somethings is ugly when you feel extremely uncomfortable with it as it appearance annoys you. The reason somethings is ugly because of wrong colors, shapes and having bad design.

But all of above may not be a valid definition towards those who have different perspective.

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