Monday, 2 July 2012

Fav Gladiator Scene

I guess a lot people's fav scene are towards the end of this movie. What I like about this scene is that it makes me believe when we're near our death, imaginary will start taking place in the state of our mind. The love for Maximus's wife and son have held him to the very end.

It gives him strength to continue on with the fight between him and Commodus even though with the deep wound that stabbed by Commodus earlier on. After fulfilling his revenge, the slight smile on his face before death as he can finally return 'home' with his family. How amazing is love can take us to!

The director used this way to portray that Maximus is in a better place now makes audience guess no more about the ending. It's good that it don't let us hanging about the ending.

My conclusion is : When we have love, we have strength and motivation.

Ng Gok Heng (1102109)

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