Monday, 30 July 2012


fig,2 one of the buddha statue.
fig.1 one of the relief of borobudur
As what I had research about Borobudur, it is a heritage and a Mahayana Buddhist monument(world's biggest monument) which located in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia since 9th-century. This monument consists of six square platforms topped by three circular platforms, and it is decorated with 2,672 relief panels ( fig.1 sculptural technique) and 504 Buddha statues (fig,2).

Without further delay, I will now explain each layer based on those research I found.

First of all, it categories into 3 layers which means the 3 "realms"(
 territory over which a sovereign rules) of Buddhist comology , Arupadhatu , Rupadhatu and Kamadhatu. This is like a progress for those who believes in Buddha. These people living in the realm of desire. After that those who have burnt out all desire for continued existence leave the world of desire and live in the world on the level of form alone: they see forms but are not drawn to them. Finally, full Buddhas will be at the world of formless.

Kamadhatu(the world of desires), it is link to the hidden foot which is the base encasement. This kamadhatu are for t
hose who have burnt out all desire for continued existence leave the world of desire. Also contain Karmavibhangg.

Rupadhatu(the world of forms), it is link with the square platforms and which contain Balustrades and Buddha statues inside niches. Also contain
 images of guardian deities(Apsaras or Taras, Dvarapalas,and Boddhisattvas) Outer wall of(1st balustrade), Jatakamala and Jatakas(1st lower balustrade gallery), Jataka1st upper balustrade gallery, Manohara and Avadana(1st  gallery, lower main wall), Lalitavistara(1st gallery, upper main wall), Gandavyuha(2nd gallery, main wall).

Arupadhatu(the formless world), it is link with circular platform which contain Buddha statue inside the stupa, Rhombus holed and square holed stupas
 and the main stupa which contain a main stupa, empty room and a chattra which had already removed. Both of this layer contain Gandavyuha at the 3rd balustrade gallery, 3rd gallery, main wall, 4th gallery, main wall and 4th balustrade gallery. Other than that, the higher layer contain Buddha Statues in niches, the firest circular platform and Buddha Statue inside perforated stupa.

Based on what I had read, I think this monument purpose is for those who wanted follow the path of Buddha.

Richard Leong Jun Kai

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