Tuesday, 3 July 2012


At this scene, after maximus killed 7 men,
he throw the sword to the platform when the landlord belongs and start shouts:
ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?! (Is this not why you are here)?!"
then maximus throw another sword and walk away. The crowd started shout:"(Spaniard!)"
Maximus just walk away without reponsed to them.
Maximus was so fierce and easy at killing those gladiators. After fatal cross the last gladiator head and throw the sword. From what he shouted was known his angry and despised on those people watching this entertainment, Maximus not kill for fun, he kill for his country.

                                                                                                                               Yap Zi Hui 1201941


  1. Dear Zi Hui
    I don't have the film in frontt of me but Im sure the crowd is not shouting "Faggot" . Why would they say that after he killed all the other gladiators. Check it again. Be careful of the subtitles on pirate disks. They are often wrong.

    So, when the Director and writer have Maximus yelling this at the crowd, is he also saying it to us...the people watching the film? We love the violence too, right?

  2. I agree that maximus was also asking the question to us, i watch this part over and over, i also love this violence too which make me feel entertained, but from the story i feel sry to maximus ><.And after i check what crowd saying wasn't Faggot, is Spaniard which make maximus surprised and looking at the crowd, the crowd didn't know maximus not from the spanish because some reasons(?).
