Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Matrix @ Monomyth + Plato's The Allegory of the Cave

To relate The Matrix with Monomyth, first of all we use NEO as the hero of this monomyth. Monomyth refers to hero's journey which means in this journey ( The Matrix), Neo the male lead is the hero. Why would me say like this? This is because in the cycle of hero's journey where the hero must depart from the familiar world, go into a netherworld and return morally transformed. Neo is a hacker   who is  restless, eager and driven to learn the meaning of cryptic references to the "Matrix" appearing on his computer. However the 3 sinister agents, led by Agent Smith, arrest Neo and attempt to prevent him to awakens in liquid-filled-vessel, luckily he is rescued by Morpheus and brought aboard a levitating ship. This is where the hero's journey start. As he aboard to the ship, he receive and start his task to enters the Matrix this is the first stage of hero's journey, Departure. Second stage is Initiation which is the hero meets with challenges and obstacles until a process which is the hero obtain a great knowledge or power to overcome the challenges. The challenges and the obstacles is the pursuit from Agent Smith and just before Neo reaching another exit, he is shot and killed by Agent Smith. Trinity, who is standing over Neo in the real world, whispers that the Oracle told her she would fall in love with the One. She kisses Neo and restores his life. Neo revives with new power to perceive and control the Matrix, and effortlessly destroys Agent Smith. The last stage is the stage of Return. This film ends with Neo returns in the Matrix, making a telephone call promising that he will demonstrate to the people imprisoned in the Matrix that "anything is possible." He hangs up the phone and flies into the sky. As the last stage of hero's journey explains that Neo obtain the victory in this film but he continues his journey by accepting a new task whereby applying the cycle concept of the Hero's journey.

To relate The Matrix with Plato's
The Allegory of the Cave as what Neo (one of the prisoners who leave the cave[the Matrix]) say in the end of the he is going to demonstrate to the people who imprisoned(prisoner in the cave) in the Matrix(the cave which also means the simulated reality of the world) that "anything is possible"(the truth).
The whole movie occurs in the cave which is represent by the Matrix. Those people who is imprisoned inside this
simulated reality of the world. But this is also the world which Neo has been living since his birth.  Neo represent one of the prisoner who leave the cave. As soon as Neo and the others leave this world he realize the truth behind this world, He is going back to the Matrix to the prisoner in the Matrix "anything is possible".

Richard Leong Jun Kai

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