Monday, 30 July 2012


Borobudur is located in Indonesia, Central Java. It is the 9th century largest monument in the world now. The structure of the Borobudur, The base is some kind like a square shape around 118 meters. There are total 9 floors in this whole temple, in lower part some kind like a square shape & it is about 6 floors there, in the upper part is like a circular shape & it is about 3 floors. In the top of the center it is a large stupa and surrounding by 72 small stupas. Statues of the Buddha sit inside the pierced enclosures.
          If people want to go to the top of the monument it should be go through 3 divisions, and this 3 division is symbolize the realms ( trainee is finish all the training and go to the world of the Gods/Buddha) of Buddhist cosmology which is Kamadhatu (Chinese call Yu Jie) mean the world of desires, in this division is the basement & also a hidden part there found in 1885 in near the basement, also contain 160 narratives describing the real Kamadhatu & there also have shirt inscriptions that provide the instructions for the sculptors, illustrating the scenes to be careved. During that time people just think that the hidden part just only avoid the mountain sinking but according to Vastu Shastra the basement was built a mistake and replace by the upper.
 Rupadhatu (Chinese call Se Jie)mean the meditations of form, a levels of meditation in which the mind is focus on, in this division there are all the square platforms in there when passing through also a Buddha statues inside the niches at the alustrades. The first balustrades have 104 niches, the second 104, the third 88, thefourth 72 and the fifth 64. In total, there are 432 Buddha statues at the Rupadhatu level.
The last division is Arupadhatu (Chinese wu se jie) mean a formless meditations or on non-material forms. This is circular platforms The first circular platform had 32 stupas, the second 24 and the third 16, that add up to 72 stupas. In the history there are 504 original Buddha statues but there are 300 are damaged (mostly headless) & 43 are missing since the monument are discovery.
This is the awesome monument because I can see that the enthusiasm of the religion. If I can go there i hope that I can see the architect closely & more detail, look at the shape, feel the actual thing.


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