-The story of "Gladiator" is a hero's journey. From the beginning the character Maximus was against the barbarians and he won in the war, but he was betrayed by his friend and put him to death (call to adventure). Maximus manages to escape (receive call), after that he is found unconscious by slave traders and taken to Zucchabar (beginning of advanture). There, he is bought by Proximo, and forced to fight for his life as a gladiator in arena tournaments (challanges and temptation). During this time, he befriends gladiators Juba (helper,mentor), and Hagen (helper). Juba tells Maximus to have faith that he will be reunited with his family in the afterlife. Maximus proves a fierce gladiator; with nothing left to live for, he is fearless in the arena. He ultimately reaches the prestigious Roman Colosseum, where his group is contracted to fight in a tribute to the Battle of Carthage. Maximus later wins against the undefeated gladiator Tigris, as well as tigers released into the arena (revelation). As a result, he is declared "Maximus the Merciful" by the crowd, increasing his popularity and further frustrating Commodus, who cannot kill Maximus without making him a martyr (transformation).
Following the fight, Maximus is told by his former servan (helper) that his army is still loyal to him. Maximus then conspires with Commodus' sister and the senator to rejoin with his army and topple Commodus by force. Commodus, however, suspects his sister of betrayal and forces her to reveal the plot using veiled threats against her young son. During Maximus's attempted escape, Commodus' guards attack Proximo's gladiator school, killing Hagen and Proximo. Juba and the survivors are imprisoned, but Maximus makes it to the city walls, where he is captured after a failed attempt to save Cicero (Atonement). After that Commodus arranges a duel with him in the arena and Maximus won the duel and Commodus was killed (overcome problem). With his dying words, Maximus carries out Marcus Aurelius' wishes, calling for Gracchus to be reinstated, the slaves to be freed, and power to be restored to the Senate (reward). As he dies, Maximus reunites with his family in the afterlife (gift from goddess).
2.What did you learn about Rome from this movie? Do some research on the characters. Are they real people from history? Is the film accurate in historical detail? And architectural detail (for example, the Colosseum/ Flavian Ampitheatre)?
-Through this we found out that the gladiator is all once slave. This fight is being forced and the need to fight to the death at the funeral of Junius Brutus Pera. As what we found out this gladiator event is like sporting event for the Roman but it is like a funeral games.
The character parts we choose to do research on few of them.
First of all Marcus Aurelius, An emperor of Rome who appoints Maximus. His full name is Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus from 161 to 180 but in between he is a co-emperor from 161 to 169 until the death of Lucius Verus and he was also the last of the "FIve Good Emperors".
Second is Commodus, the twisted son of Marcus Aurelius. In the movie he kill his own father when he realize that his father throne is not passing to him.
Third is Lucillam, Maximus's former lover and the older child of Marcus Aurelius, Lucilla became widowed as this movie start. But the real Annia Aurelia Galeria Lucilla was the second daughter of the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius and Roman Empress Faustina the Younger.
Lastly is the main character Maximus Decunys Meridius. A morally upstanding Hispano-Roman general in Germania who had been turned into slave and seeking revenge toward Commodus who had murder his family. Although Maximus is the main character, but he is a fictional character. He is not a real people from history. Second is the main character of the movie Maximus. As what the research mention the usage of the fire-hurling catapults and mechanical dart launchers is probably unhistorical.
Some of the scene is not accurate in historical detail. The last great battle with the Germanic tribes on the eve of Marcus Aurelius’ death is a fake. As the research mention there was only great daylong battle late in the campaigning season of S.D 179, but Marcus died was on March 17 of 180. The marriage of Lucilla is also inaccurate. As her son in the movie named, Lucius Verus is unhistorical. Maximus the main character himself is unhistorical. He never existed before. As the result of the research, this movie changed the historical fact and only remain few of the fact which is the character part and characteristic of Commodus.
About the architectural part, in the scene with the gladiator caravan coming into Rome, a wall that surrounds the entire city can be seen, according to the research the wall which resembles the Aurelian Wall was not made until 275 A.D.Secondly the film stated that the Colosseum can holds 50,000 people but it is now believed that it could to have seated 73,000. Another fact that change by the movie, which is the Colosseum name during that period it is actually called Flavian Amphitheatre. In the movie most Roman architecture are portrayed as being white. According to the research it say that it is a misconception, as most building and structures were coloured and we only believes this because from the Roman time the structure is white but white is the original colour. Due the so many centuries had been past, the paint has gradually disappeared and left structures and building back to it original colour. If it is back in the past, according to the research it wouldn't have looked like that during the time which they were built. Other than that some of the older buildings might have already had the time to go through this process in this movie.
3 What was happening to the Roman empire during the period of Commodus' rule?
Commodus indulgence dissolute ,the conduct of public affairs to the minions and guards processing by executive.At 182 years, his sister and some of the veterans tried to assassinate him. After the incident, he executed everyone who involved in the assassination, and also many innocent people. Commodus suspicious and cruelty, he love the circus, wrestling and other sports activities.He claiming to be reincarnated of Hercules and wearing Gladiator costumes, participate in arena. The Commodus rule caused dissatisfaction of the people, many people are plotting to assassinate him, and Commodus becomes more eccentric oppressive.
And what eventually caused the decline and downfall of the Roman Empire?
The agency of the political, economic, military, and other social institutions gradually disintegrate and collapse.Ultimately,Western Europe is invasion and occupy by barbarian.
4. Is this film propaganda for a certain set of ideas or a way of life? Did the writer, director and actors intend for you to have the reactions that you have expressed here? Aren't you just a bit suspicious and critical of the film and the black and white division between Commodus and Maximus? Such a bad and nasty Emperor and such a loyal gladiator! One is a 'good Roman' and the other is just out for himself? Doesn't it all seem a little too simple? So, again, is this film propaganda for an idea of loyalty? To answer this, look at which country produced it and when it was produced. How is the film 'constructed' to provide a lesson to the audiences of that country of its origin? Is it really about Rome, or about the country it came from? What was happening in that country in the years just before it was created?
2.What did you learn about Rome from this movie? Do some research on the characters. Are they real people from history? Is the film accurate in historical detail? And architectural detail (for example, the Colosseum/ Flavian Ampitheatre)?
-Through this we found out that the gladiator is all once slave. This fight is being forced and the need to fight to the death at the funeral of Junius Brutus Pera. As what we found out this gladiator event is like sporting event for the Roman but it is like a funeral games.
The character parts we choose to do research on few of them.
First of all Marcus Aurelius, An emperor of Rome who appoints Maximus. His full name is Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus from 161 to 180 but in between he is a co-emperor from 161 to 169 until the death of Lucius Verus and he was also the last of the "FIve Good Emperors".
Second is Commodus, the twisted son of Marcus Aurelius. In the movie he kill his own father when he realize that his father throne is not passing to him.
Third is Lucillam, Maximus's former lover and the older child of Marcus Aurelius, Lucilla became widowed as this movie start. But the real Annia Aurelia Galeria Lucilla was the second daughter of the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius and Roman Empress Faustina the Younger.
Lastly is the main character Maximus Decunys Meridius. A morally upstanding Hispano-Roman general in Germania who had been turned into slave and seeking revenge toward Commodus who had murder his family. Although Maximus is the main character, but he is a fictional character. He is not a real people from history. Second is the main character of the movie Maximus. As what the research mention the usage of the fire-hurling catapults and mechanical dart launchers is probably unhistorical.
Some of the scene is not accurate in historical detail. The last great battle with the Germanic tribes on the eve of Marcus Aurelius’ death is a fake. As the research mention there was only great daylong battle late in the campaigning season of S.D 179, but Marcus died was on March 17 of 180. The marriage of Lucilla is also inaccurate. As her son in the movie named, Lucius Verus is unhistorical. Maximus the main character himself is unhistorical. He never existed before. As the result of the research, this movie changed the historical fact and only remain few of the fact which is the character part and characteristic of Commodus.
About the architectural part, in the scene with the gladiator caravan coming into Rome, a wall that surrounds the entire city can be seen, according to the research the wall which resembles the Aurelian Wall was not made until 275 A.D.Secondly the film stated that the Colosseum can holds 50,000 people but it is now believed that it could to have seated 73,000. Another fact that change by the movie, which is the Colosseum name during that period it is actually called Flavian Amphitheatre. In the movie most Roman architecture are portrayed as being white. According to the research it say that it is a misconception, as most building and structures were coloured and we only believes this because from the Roman time the structure is white but white is the original colour. Due the so many centuries had been past, the paint has gradually disappeared and left structures and building back to it original colour. If it is back in the past, according to the research it wouldn't have looked like that during the time which they were built. Other than that some of the older buildings might have already had the time to go through this process in this movie.
3 What was happening to the Roman empire during the period of Commodus' rule?
Commodus indulgence dissolute ,the conduct of public affairs to the minions and guards processing by executive.At 182 years, his sister and some of the veterans tried to assassinate him. After the incident, he executed everyone who involved in the assassination, and also many innocent people. Commodus suspicious and cruelty, he love the circus, wrestling and other sports activities.He claiming to be reincarnated of Hercules and wearing Gladiator costumes, participate in arena. The Commodus rule caused dissatisfaction of the people, many people are plotting to assassinate him, and Commodus becomes more eccentric oppressive.
And what eventually caused the decline and downfall of the Roman Empire?
The agency of the political, economic, military, and other social institutions gradually disintegrate and collapse.Ultimately,Western Europe is invasion and occupy by barbarian.
4. Is this film propaganda for a certain set of ideas or a way of life? Did the writer, director and actors intend for you to have the reactions that you have expressed here? Aren't you just a bit suspicious and critical of the film and the black and white division between Commodus and Maximus? Such a bad and nasty Emperor and such a loyal gladiator! One is a 'good Roman' and the other is just out for himself? Doesn't it all seem a little too simple? So, again, is this film propaganda for an idea of loyalty? To answer this, look at which country produced it and when it was produced. How is the film 'constructed' to provide a lesson to the audiences of that country of its origin? Is it really about Rome, or about the country it came from? What was happening in that country in the years just before it was created?
In the
film Gladiator, Commodus is accurately represented as being a tyrant lacking
the love and respect of the people. Maximus, the real hero of the film, in
reality is a fictitious character.
techniques were cunningly used to portray the Fuhrer as a man apart, a father
and god-like figure who possessed super-human abilities and sacrificed himself
for his nation. Streams and streams of ‘HISTORICAL films’ were made up to
portray great German personalities such as Frederick the Great, Bismarck and Schiller,
that made a parallel of the past with the present. Without mentioning Hitler’s
name, the films subtly captured the people’s imagination that there was a
similar situation in the past compared to the present one. All these films had
one great theme. They implicitly compared the Fuhrer with the heroes of the
In the
film Gladiator, this phrase is deftly used through subtle innuendo in the
characters of Marcus Aurelius (father) and his evil (son) Commodus, to draw a
parallel with George Bush (Snr) (father) and George Bush (Jnr) (son).
the character roles in Gladiator are so blatant and glaring, it seems plain
George Bush (Jnr) (‘son’) will be elected the President of the United States of
America. The script-writers of Gladiator
already know the corrupt background of the N.W.O. Bush family. George Bush
(Jnr) has ‘ALREADY BEEN CHOSEN’ as the new President!
In the
film Gladiator, released in the year 2000, Commodus’s sister is called
‘Lucilla.’ (The name of a famous 3rd century Roman Christian
martyr). In propaganda terms, the name
‘Lucilla’ has a close psychological resemblance to ‘Laura,’ the wife of the
coming new President of the United States: - George / ‘Commodus’ Bush (Jnr)!
Besides, in the
film Gladiator, virtually all the cinema advertising includes a picture of
Maximus, above which is the caption: ‘A
Hero will Rise’. Strangely, the leading role of hero Maximus is played by a New
Zealander, Russell Crowe.
Zealand is a small, enchanting country of 3.9 million people located in the
South Pacific off the eastern coast of Australia. A member of the British
Commonwealth, the people speak with an
‘ecumenical’ English accent - neither Australian, nor Oxford English, nor
American. Little New Zealand has long been a favorite daughter of the British Monarch.
In propaganda terms she is neutral. New Zealanders fill a high proportion of
world leadership roles, far out of proportion to the size and population of
their little country. Dame Kiri Te Kanawa sang at Charles’ and Diana’s wedding.
Don McKinnon is presently the British Commonwealth Secretary General. The late
ex Prime Minister Sir Robert Muldoon was head of the International Monetary
Fund. Mike Moore is presently the Director General of the World Trade
Organization. Peter Watson was
Chairman of the United States International Trade Commission and spent two
years working in the White House as trade lawyer on WTO issues.
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