Tuesday, 31 July 2012


Borobudur is a bulding on 9th-century Mahayana Buddhist monument in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. It also call Barabudur.It is  consists of six square platforms topped by three circular platforms, and is decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues.Borobudur is built as a single large stupa. Each stupa is bell-shaped and pierced by numerous decorative openings.The design of Borobudur took the form of a step pyramid.It is built in the 9th century during the reign of the Sailendra Dynasty.Borobudur is located in an elevated area between two twin volcanoes, Sundoro-Sumbing and Merbabu-Merapi, and two rivers, the Progo and the Elo.The monument's three divisions symbolize the three "realms" of Buddhist cosmology, namely Kamadhatu (the world of desires), Rupadhatu (the world of forms), and finally Arupadhatu (the formless world).Borobudur contains approximately 2,670 individual bas reliefs (1,460 narrative and 1,212 decorative panels), which cover the facedes and balustrades. The total relief surface is 2,500 square metres (27,000 sq ft) and they are distributed at the hidden foot (Kāmadhātu) and the five square platforms (Rupadhatu).Borobudur has many statues of various Buddhas.The cross-legged statues are seated in a lotus position and distributed on the five square platforms (the Rupadhatu level) as well as on the top platform (the Arupadhatu level).

I think Borobudur is a nice architecture to let us know more about the meaning of it.

Chew YIh Haan 1200632

Monday, 30 July 2012


Borobudur is located in Indonesia, Central Java. It is the 9th century largest monument in the world now. The structure of the Borobudur, The base is some kind like a square shape around 118 meters. There are total 9 floors in this whole temple, in lower part some kind like a square shape & it is about 6 floors there, in the upper part is like a circular shape & it is about 3 floors. In the top of the center it is a large stupa and surrounding by 72 small stupas. Statues of the Buddha sit inside the pierced enclosures.
          If people want to go to the top of the monument it should be go through 3 divisions, and this 3 division is symbolize the realms ( trainee is finish all the training and go to the world of the Gods/Buddha) of Buddhist cosmology which is Kamadhatu (Chinese call Yu Jie) mean the world of desires, in this division is the basement & also a hidden part there found in 1885 in near the basement, also contain 160 narratives describing the real Kamadhatu & there also have shirt inscriptions that provide the instructions for the sculptors, illustrating the scenes to be careved. During that time people just think that the hidden part just only avoid the mountain sinking but according to Vastu Shastra the basement was built a mistake and replace by the upper.
 Rupadhatu (Chinese call Se Jie)mean the meditations of form, a levels of meditation in which the mind is focus on, in this division there are all the square platforms in there when passing through also a Buddha statues inside the niches at the alustrades. The first balustrades have 104 niches, the second 104, the third 88, thefourth 72 and the fifth 64. In total, there are 432 Buddha statues at the Rupadhatu level.
The last division is Arupadhatu (Chinese wu se jie) mean a formless meditations or on non-material forms. This is circular platforms The first circular platform had 32 stupas, the second 24 and the third 16, that add up to 72 stupas. In the history there are 504 original Buddha statues but there are 300 are damaged (mostly headless) & 43 are missing since the monument are discovery.
This is the awesome monument because I can see that the enthusiasm of the religion. If I can go there i hope that I can see the architect closely & more detail, look at the shape, feel the actual thing.



fig,2 one of the buddha statue.
fig.1 one of the relief of borobudur
As what I had research about Borobudur, it is a heritage and a Mahayana Buddhist monument(world's biggest monument) which located in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia since 9th-century. This monument consists of six square platforms topped by three circular platforms, and it is decorated with 2,672 relief panels ( fig.1 sculptural technique) and 504 Buddha statues (fig,2).

Without further delay, I will now explain each layer based on those research I found.

First of all, it categories into 3 layers which means the 3 "realms"(
 territory over which a sovereign rules) of Buddhist comology , Arupadhatu , Rupadhatu and Kamadhatu. This is like a progress for those who believes in Buddha. These people living in the realm of desire. After that those who have burnt out all desire for continued existence leave the world of desire and live in the world on the level of form alone: they see forms but are not drawn to them. Finally, full Buddhas will be at the world of formless.

Kamadhatu(the world of desires), it is link to the hidden foot which is the base encasement. This kamadhatu are for t
hose who have burnt out all desire for continued existence leave the world of desire. Also contain Karmavibhangg.

Rupadhatu(the world of forms), it is link with the square platforms and which contain Balustrades and Buddha statues inside niches. Also contain
 images of guardian deities(Apsaras or Taras, Dvarapalas,and Boddhisattvas) Outer wall of(1st balustrade), Jatakamala and Jatakas(1st lower balustrade gallery), Jataka1st upper balustrade gallery, Manohara and Avadana(1st  gallery, lower main wall), Lalitavistara(1st gallery, upper main wall), Gandavyuha(2nd gallery, main wall).

Arupadhatu(the formless world), it is link with circular platform which contain Buddha statue inside the stupa, Rhombus holed and square holed stupas
 and the main stupa which contain a main stupa, empty room and a chattra which had already removed. Both of this layer contain Gandavyuha at the 3rd balustrade gallery, 3rd gallery, main wall, 4th gallery, main wall and 4th balustrade gallery. Other than that, the higher layer contain Buddha Statues in niches, the firest circular platform and Buddha Statue inside perforated stupa.

Based on what I had read, I think this monument purpose is for those who wanted follow the path of Buddha.

Richard Leong Jun Kai

Sunday, 29 July 2012


Borobudur is the world largest stupa. It surrounded by trees and mountain. From the research, Borobudur do not have any clear entrance or any rooms for visitor. It look like a half built pyramid to me. It consist of 6 level as the base (quadrangular galleries) follow by 3 circular  terraces  and the last serves as the main dome which a big stupa . There are 72 other stupa surrounded on the circular terraces.It represented the life stages. One must go through each of the stages to reach the top and meet Buddha (located at the center of Borobudur)

The base- know as Kamadhatu ( world of desire), it represented how desire control a person and how karma work.

The second level- know as Ruphadatu (world of form). it represent that things and appearances are still an influence to human. The wall of this level showed the story of Buddha.

The third level- know as  Arupadhatu, (world of formlessness), it represent eternity, with no beginning and ending. 

The Buddha (inside the stupa)- representing freedom of human from desire and forms. 
Top of buddha- represent achievement of Nirvana, which a set of peaceful world that free from suffering.

P/s: The purpose of the monument? is it act as a temple for the people? or is it a reflection of the economy and society during that time?

If i have the chance to visit there, i would like to examine the meaning of the stone caving on the second level. which the story of the life of Buddha.

Chervie Poon Woei Kooi


How is The Matrix fits the Plato’s allegory of the caves

   The plato's allegory of the caves is talking about a few prisoners was back to the way out,their body was got caught up in shackles and the neck was fixed.They cannot turn their body ,cant see anything and only can see the wall which is in front of them.they can see the wall this is because of behind them got fire.They don't know the fire is have some distance with them.They only can see the shadow reflect from the thing and fire and imagine what is happening outside.They believe the sound and the shadow that they feel is reality but it is not.The Matrix story is talking about the computer hacker,Neo( Thomas A. Anderson )has always living in the unreal world and after that Morpheus bring him to the real world.And something was happen between the story. The Matrix story is similiar with the Plato's allegory of the cave.The people is living in the unreal and Imaginary world.They think the unreal world is the real world. They believe the thing what they see and hear and ignore the reality.

Chew Yih Haan 1200632


Borobudur was built by King Samaratungga, one of the kings of Old Mataram Kingdom, the descendant of Sailendra dynasty. Based on Kayumwungan inscription, an Indonesian named Hudaya Kandahjaya revealed that Borobudur was a place for praying that was completed to be built on 26 May 824, almost one hundred years from the time the construction was begun. The name of Borobudur, as some people say, means a mountain having terraces (budhara), while other says that Borobudur means monastery on the high place.

Borobudur is constructed as a ten-terraces building. The height before being renovated was 42 meters and 34.5 meters after the renovation because the lowest level was used as supporting base. The first six terraces are in square form, two upper terraces are in circular form, and on top of them is the terrace where Buddha statue is located facing westward. Each terrace symbolizes the stage of human life. In line with of Buddha Mahayana, anyone who intends to reach the level of Buddha's must go through each of those life stages.

The base of Borobudur, called Kamadhatu, symbolizes human being that are still bound by lust. The upper four stories are called Rupadhatu symbolizing human beings that have set themselves free from lust but are still bound to appearance and shape. On this terrace, Buddha effigies are placed in open space; while the other upper three terraces where Buddha effigies are confined in domes with wholes are called Arupadhatu, symbolizing human beings that have been free from lust, appearance and shape. The top part that is called Arupa symbolizes nirvana, where Buddha is residing.

Each terrace has beautiful relief panels showing how skillful the sculptors were. In order to understand the sequence of the stories on the relief panels, you have to walk clockwise from the entrance of the temple. The relief panels tell the legendary story of Ramayana. Besides, there are relief panels describing the condition of the society by that time

chen jien sin

Tuesday, 24 July 2012


Hi Heng Yee

Have you read the book? 

This sounds like it is mostly copied from the web. 

Please give me the source(s) of this article. 

thank you, 


How matrix fits the monomyth and plato's allegory of the cave.

About the plato's allegory of the cave, The main essence of the Allegory is that, since no one is fully enlightened and knowledgeable about the Form of Good, or the Sun, that no one can perceive the unreality of our reality. This is the same in The Matrix and 1984. Throughout the film and the novel, there are clever little hints to the Allegory. The Allegory asserts the reality that  perceive is simulacra, and in the movie, Neo picks up a book called “Simulacra and Simulation” by Jade Baudrillard. In the film, the Party is a representation of the simulacrum, and Winston learns the truth from a book called The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism. Neo's awakening will lead to the salvation of humanity by a Christ-like figure. Others have picked out connections with Joseph Campbell's monomyth concept where the hero must depart from the familiar world, go into a netherworld and return morally transformed. Next, Morpheus says to Neo, “The Matrix is the wool that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.” Goldstein helps Winston in the novel, helping him realize the Party is in fact unreality. Indeed, the Matrix is to the film and the Party is to the novel as the sun is to the Allegory it enables all perception of reality, but hides the that reality isn’t necessarily real. Besides that, when Neo is exposed to the light, the other reality, for the first time, he squints. Winston is hesitant when he is exposed to the metaphorical light. This is much like Plato’s freed person being blinded by the enlightening sun. There is also the Platonic interpretation where the passage toward the light from the famous cave allegory is read into the awakening process of The Matrix: "The theme of appearance versus reality is as old as Plato’s Republic. And while perhaps no writer or artist has improved upon his cave allegory in presenting this theme, the Wachowski brothers’ The Matrix might be as effective an attempt as any since Plato, in cinematic history anyway" At first, neither Neo nor Winston are accepting of the true reality. But as they spend more time free and their eyes grow more accustomed to the light, they begins to accept the truth, much like Plato’s freed person. The final, most significant similarity occurs when Morpheus speaks to Neo, telling him that no one can be told what the matrix is, one has to experience it for him- or herself, as Plato’s freed person can’t tell others what reality is when the others have only seen unreality. Winston, on the other hand is told that trying to tell others is fruitless, and is rather quickly dragged back into the cave that is Airstrip One.

LIEW HENG YEE (1107526)

week 8.

How is The Matrix fits the Plato’s allegory of the caves

The allegory of the cave and the matrix relate to each other in that in both man and society are controlled by the thinking that others, and looking at reality (shadow) and truth (outside the cave) can be difficult and sometimes people are afraid of. In the matrix we see  the Judas betraying his shipmates and trading it for a fake life where he will be important, comfortable, and rich. We see him regretting his choice to know the truth and states “Why didn’t I take the red pill”   Likewise in Plato’s “Allegory of the cave, the prisoner does not understand the value of truth although when the prison get out from the cave may get scared and went back to the cave.  
The similarity of the Plato with the matrix because both of it involve prisoners in their own world. Prison in the cave are trap inside the cave without knowing the real things that is happening.  Other than that, in Allegory of caves, prison are sat in front of a wall without looking back, while in The Matrix, human are put asleep while the illusion world are going in their mind. 

How is The Matrix fits monomyth?
Departure - Trinity visits Neo at a nightclub and initiates his call to adventure, which erupts into action the following day. Next day, Neo receive a phone call that put him in contact with Morphues. He begin his adventures. In the car, Trinity use a device and put it in Neo body, he was frighten, but after that, his body came out a creature called dragon forces. It actually is a tracking device. He arrive at a apartment, Morphues asked him wanted a red/blue pill. Red pill represent the further adventure while blue pills represent the story end.

Initiation-He decided to continue the journey and he end up at some kind of womb, that represent rebirth. He met Morphues, Morphues explain to Neo what is the Matrix which is a illusion world generated by computer. They teach Neo how to change the so called reality which actually is a illusion world. Neo need to go through series of chanllenges to build his mind and determine the Matrix world with the reality. Neo are struggling to believe Morpheus about He is "the one" who can end the war between the two world. Oracle, (something like a predictor) who said that Neo is not the one. She wanted Neo to choose between his life or Morphues life. Morphues willing to sacrifices himself to save Neo life. After saving Morphues, Neo realize that he has super amazing power to control the Matrix world  with his mind.

Return- Finally, Neo decided not to return as in he is not ready to go back. He wanted to stay at The Matrix to fight with the agent. He got shot in the reality world, Trinity whisper to Neo saying that " The Oracle told Trinity she will fall in love to "the one" and she kiss him. Neo reborn and he now can master the 2 world, which can perceive and control the Matrix (illusion). The film ends with Neo back in the Matrix, he promise the people who trap in the machine, that he will demonstrate how make them become stranger. He hangs up the phone and flies into the sky.

Chervie Poon Woei Kooi

Matrix @ Monomyth + Plato's The Allegory of the Cave

To relate The Matrix with Monomyth, first of all we use NEO as the hero of this monomyth. Monomyth refers to hero's journey which means in this journey ( The Matrix), Neo the male lead is the hero. Why would me say like this? This is because in the cycle of hero's journey where the hero must depart from the familiar world, go into a netherworld and return morally transformed. Neo is a hacker   who is  restless, eager and driven to learn the meaning of cryptic references to the "Matrix" appearing on his computer. However the 3 sinister agents, led by Agent Smith, arrest Neo and attempt to prevent him to awakens in liquid-filled-vessel, luckily he is rescued by Morpheus and brought aboard a levitating ship. This is where the hero's journey start. As he aboard to the ship, he receive and start his task to enters the Matrix this is the first stage of hero's journey, Departure. Second stage is Initiation which is the hero meets with challenges and obstacles until a process which is the hero obtain a great knowledge or power to overcome the challenges. The challenges and the obstacles is the pursuit from Agent Smith and just before Neo reaching another exit, he is shot and killed by Agent Smith. Trinity, who is standing over Neo in the real world, whispers that the Oracle told her she would fall in love with the One. She kisses Neo and restores his life. Neo revives with new power to perceive and control the Matrix, and effortlessly destroys Agent Smith. The last stage is the stage of Return. This film ends with Neo returns in the Matrix, making a telephone call promising that he will demonstrate to the people imprisoned in the Matrix that "anything is possible." He hangs up the phone and flies into the sky. As the last stage of hero's journey explains that Neo obtain the victory in this film but he continues his journey by accepting a new task whereby applying the cycle concept of the Hero's journey.

To relate The Matrix with Plato's
The Allegory of the Cave as what Neo (one of the prisoners who leave the cave[the Matrix]) say in the end of the he is going to demonstrate to the people who imprisoned(prisoner in the cave) in the Matrix(the cave which also means the simulated reality of the world) that "anything is possible"(the truth).
The whole movie occurs in the cave which is represent by the Matrix. Those people who is imprisoned inside this
simulated reality of the world. But this is also the world which Neo has been living since his birth.  Neo represent one of the prisoner who leave the cave. As soon as Neo and the others leave this world he realize the truth behind this world, He is going back to the Matrix to the prisoner in the Matrix "anything is possible".

Richard Leong Jun Kai

Monday, 23 July 2012

The Matrix

The Garden of Eden story has been superimposed on The Matrix as well with the implication that just as Adam's and Eve's awakening to knowledge makes Christianity possible, so too, Neo's awakening will lead to the salvation of humanity by a Christ-like figure. Others have picked out connections with Joseph Campbell's monomyth concept where the hero must depart from the familiar world, go into a netherworld and return morally transformed. There is also the Platonic interpretation where the passage toward the light from the famous cave allegory is read into the awakening process of The Matrix: "The theme of appearance versus reality is as old as Plato’s Republic.

And while perhaps no writer or artist has improved upon his cave allegory in presenting this theme, the Wachowski brothers’ The Matrix might be as effective an attempt as any since Plato, in cinematic history anyway". Buddhism and its notion that reality is illusion appears as an equally convincing model for reading The Matrix. Even Gnosticism has been used as an interesting semiotic framework for the film.  

In Plato’s philosophy there is the well known allegory of the cave and the theory of a priori knowledge. The allegory of the cave could be seen as a theme in several alternative reality films. The fundamental story is that of a person (prisoner) with other prisoners who are chained with their backs to the fire. These people only see shadows and thus their knowledge of the real world is limited to the shadows. One day one of the prisoners is unchained and taken outside. Once he/she is used to the sunlight, the world is seen as totally different. He/she now sees the shadows on the wall as dark forms of sentient beings blocking the light. He/she comes back in the cave and tries to tell the others what the world is really like and they refuse to believe him/her. Neo, the protagonist of The Matrix Trilogy is one who realizes the truth of the world, but cannot yet convey it to the others, who still reside in the energy pods.

Low Thin Thin

Monday, 16 July 2012

REply Of Dr.Ray's question regarding gladiator

1. Is the story a hero's journey? Try to describe it as a hero's journey and see if it fits the template.

-The story of "Gladiator" is a hero's journey. From the beginning the character Maximus was against the barbarians and he won in the war, but he was betrayed by his friend and put him to death (call to adventure). Maximus manages to escape (receive call), after that he is found unconscious by slave traders and taken to Zucchabar (beginning of advanture). There, he is bought by Proximo, and forced to fight for his life as a gladiator in arena tournaments (challanges and temptation). During this time, he befriends gladiators Juba (helper,mentor), and Hagen (helper). Juba tells Maximus to have faith that he will be reunited with his family in the afterlifeMaximus proves a fierce gladiator; with nothing left to live for, he is fearless in the arena. He ultimately reaches the prestigious Roman Colosseum, where his group is contracted to fight in a tribute to the Battle of Carthage Maximus later wins against the undefeated gladiator Tigris, as well as tigers released into the arena (revelation)As a result, he is declared "Maximus the Merciful" by the crowd, increasing his popularity and further frustrating Commodus, who cannot kill Maximus without making him a martyr (transformation). 
Following the fight, Maximus is told by his former servan (helper) that his army is still loyal to him. Maximus then conspires with Commodus' sister and the senator to rejoin with his army and topple Commodus by force. Commodus, however, suspects his sister of betrayal and forces her to reveal the plot using veiled threats against her young son. During Maximus's attempted escape, Commodus' guards attack Proximo's gladiator school, killing Hagen and Proximo. Juba and the survivors are imprisoned, but Maximus makes it to the city walls, where he is captured after a failed attempt to save Cicero (Atonement). After that Commodus arranges a duel with him in the arena and Maximus won the duel and Commodus was killed (overcome problem). With his dying words, Maximus carries out Marcus Aurelius' wishes, calling for Gracchus to be reinstated, the slaves to be freed, and power to be restored to the Senate (reward). As he dies, Maximus reunites with his family in the afterlife (gift from goddess).

2.What did you learn about Rome from this movie? Do some research on the characters. Are they real people from history? Is the film accurate in historical detail? And architectural detail (for example, the Colosseum/ Flavian Ampitheatre)?

-Through this we found out that the gladiator is all once slave.  This fight is being forced and the need to fight to the death at the funeral of Junius Brutus Pera. As what we found out this gladiator event is like sporting event for the Roman but it is like a funeral games.

The character parts we choose to do research on few of them.

First of all Marcus Aurelius, An emperor of Rome who appoints Maximus. His full name is 
 Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus from 161 to 180 but in between he is a co-emperor from 161 to 169 until the death of Lucius Verus and he was also the last of the "FIve Good Emperors".
Second is Commodus, the twisted son of Marcus Aurelius. In the movie he kill his own father when he realize that his father throne is not passing to him.

Third is Lucillam, Maximus's former lover and the older child of Marcus Aurelius, Lucilla became widowed as this movie start. But the real Annia Aurelia Galeria Lucilla was the second daughter of the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius and Roman Empress Faustina the Younger.

Lastly is the main character Maximus Decunys Meridius. A morally upstanding Hispano-Roman general in Germania who had been turned into slave and seeking revenge toward Commodus who had murder his family. Although Maximus is the main character, but he is a fictional character. He is not a real people from history. Second is the main character of the movie Maximus. As what the research mention the usage of the fire-hurling catapults and mechanical dart launchers is probably unhistorical.

Some of the scene is not accurate in historical detail. The last great battle with the Germanic tribes on the eve of Marcus Aurelius’ death is a fake. As the research mention there was only great daylong battle late in the campaigning season of S.D 179, but Marcus died was on March 17 of 180. The marriage of Lucilla is also inaccurate. As her son in the movie named, Lucius Verus is unhistorical. Maximus the main character himself is unhistorical. He never existed before. As the result of the research, this movie changed the historical fact and only remain few of the fact which is the character part and characteristic of Commodus.

About the architectural part, in the scene with the gladiator caravan coming into Rome, a wall that surrounds the entire city can be seen, according to the research the wall which resembles the Aurelian Wall was not made until 275 A.D.Secondly the film stated that the Colosseum can holds 50,000 people but it is now believed that it could to have seated 73,000. Another fact that change by the movie, which is the Colosseum name during that period it is actually called Flavian Amphitheatre. In the movie most Roman architecture are portrayed as being white. According to the research it say that it is a misconception, as most building and structures were coloured and we only believes this because from the Roman time the structure is white but white is the original colour. Due the so many centuries had been past, the paint has gradually disappeared and left structures and building back to it original colour. If it is back in the past, according to the research it wouldn't have looked like that during the time which they were built. Other than that some of the older buildings might have already had the time to go through this process in this movie.

What was happening to the Roman empire during the period of Commodus' rule?

Commodus indulgence dissolute ,the conduct of public affairs to the minions and guards  processing  by executive.At 182 years, his sister and some of the veterans tried to assassinate him. After the incident, he executed everyone who involved in the assassination, and also many innocent people. Commodus suspicious and cruelty, he love the circus, wrestling and other sports activities.He claiming to be reincarnated of Hercules and wearing Gladiator costumes, participate in arena. The Commodus rule caused dissatisfaction of the people, many people are plotting to assassinate him, and Commodus becomes more eccentric oppressive.

And what eventually caused the decline and downfall of the Roman Empire?

The agency of the political, economic, military, and other social institutions gradually disintegrate and collapse.Ultimately,Western Europe is invasion and occupy by barbarian.

 Is this film propaganda for a certain set of ideas or a way of life? Did the writer, director and actors intend for you to have the reactions that you have expressed here? Aren't you just a bit suspicious and critical of the film and the black and white division between Commodus and Maximus? Such a bad and nasty Emperor and such a loyal gladiator! One is a 'good Roman' and the other is just out for himself? Doesn't it all seem a little too simple? So, again, is this film propaganda for an idea of loyalty? To answer this, look at which country produced it and when it was produced. How is the film 'constructed' to provide a lesson to the audiences of that country of its origin? Is it really about Rome, or about the country it came from? What was happening in that country in the years just before it was created?

In the film Gladiator, Commodus is accurately represented as being a tyrant lacking the love and respect of the people. Maximus, the real hero of the film, in reality is a fictitious character. 

Film techniques were cunningly used to portray the Fuhrer as a man apart, a father and god-like figure who possessed super-human abilities and sacrificed himself for his nation. Streams and streams of ‘HISTORICAL films’ were made up to portray great German personalities such as Frederick the Great, Bismarck and Schiller, that made a parallel of the past with the present. Without mentioning Hitler’s name, the films subtly captured the people’s imagination that there was a similar situation in the past compared to the present one. All these films had one great theme. They implicitly compared the Fuhrer with the heroes of the past.

In the film Gladiator, this phrase is deftly used through subtle innuendo in the characters of Marcus Aurelius (father) and his evil (son) Commodus, to draw a parallel with George Bush (Snr) (father) and George Bush (Jnr) (son).

Because the character roles in Gladiator are so blatant and glaring, it seems plain George Bush (Jnr) (‘son’) will be elected the President of the United States of America.  The script-writers of Gladiator already know the corrupt background of the N.W.O. Bush family. George Bush (Jnr) has ‘ALREADY BEEN CHOSEN’ as the new President!

In the film Gladiator, released in the year 2000, Commodus’s sister is called ‘Lucilla.’ (The name of a famous 3rd century Roman Christian martyr).  In propaganda terms, the name ‘Lucilla’ has a close psychological resemblance to ‘Laura,’ the wife of the coming new President of the United States: - George / ‘Commodus’ Bush (Jnr)!

Besides, in the film Gladiator, virtually all the cinema advertising includes a picture of Maximus, above which is the caption:  ‘A Hero will Rise’. Strangely, the leading role of hero Maximus is played by a New Zealander, Russell Crowe.

New Zealand is a small, enchanting country of 3.9 million people located in the South Pacific off the eastern coast of Australia. A member of the British Commonwealth, the people speak with  an ‘ecumenical’ English accent - neither Australian, nor Oxford English, nor American. Little New Zealand has long been a favorite daughter of the British Monarch. In propaganda terms she is neutral. New Zealanders fill a high proportion of world leadership roles, far out of proportion to the size and population of their little country. Dame Kiri Te Kanawa sang at Charles’ and Diana’s wedding. Don McKinnon is presently the British Commonwealth Secretary General. The late ex Prime Minister Sir Robert Muldoon was head of the International Monetary Fund. Mike Moore is presently the Director General of the World Trade Organization. Peter Watson was Chairman of the United States International Trade Commission and spent two years working in the White House as trade lawyer on WTO issues.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

The Allegory of the Cave

In this picture, Prisoners are close inside the cave, unable to turn their head. They must sit there and watch the shadow that cast on the wall. Behind them burns a fire, where the puppeteers perform the puppets that cast shadow on the wall, without them knowing.The prisoner are unable to see the real object. Shadows and echoes cast by the object is all the prisoner can see and hear about it.
The prisoners will make mistake about the appearance of reality.Those shadow define their perception of life. They think that those stuff (shadow) they seen on the wall are real, they know nothing else but shadow on the wall. 
So when the prisoner talk to each other, they will told them what is the object that a cast on the wall. For example, prisoner A told prisoner B that the shadow on the wall is a vase. So prisoner B will assume that it a vase without having doubt. But actually it just a shadow that they are talking.

Actually it also define that the prisoner is common human like us, who does not know what is reality, we listen what other said and assume that it is how reality is or because they think that reality is what we can see(shadow) which is totally different.

The cave represent society. This is because we born in the cave, live in the cave only believing what is the shadow it, without changing our belief or thoughts. Without going out to experience. But when we (the prisoner) were release out to the world, some of them got frighten by the reality and wanted to return tho the cave because it already familiar to us. 

The shadow represent the perception of reality. Prisoner believe that those shadow are real. But the truth actually is behind them (outside the cave). 

They are some prisoner (us) who leave the cave. This represent the truth being reveal. People who got out from the cave to embrace the sun have a better understanding about truth. They leave all the other old idea about life in the cave. These people represent philosopher. They also wanted to get back to the cave and tell those people who refuse acknowledge the real truth to believe that outside is the real world.

Friday, 13 July 2012

From Ray

Hi all

Thank you for the blog notes. 

This is a general comment for you all. 

You all seem to like these scenes for more or less the same reason? No one disagrees? No one is really critical of this film? I don't think you are looking at the film with critical eyes. I have four questions for you to answer. You will need to do a bit of research to answer these. Do not copy your answers from the web. Write them from your own ideas. 

1. Is the story a hero's journey? Try to describe it as a hero's journey and see if it fits the template.

2. What did you learn about Rome from this movie? Do some research on the characters. Are they real people from history? Is the film accurate in historical detail? And architectural detail (for example, the Colosseum/ Flavian Ampitheatre)? 

3. What was happening to the Roman empire during the period of Commodus' rule? And what eventually caused the decline and downfall of the Roman Empire?

4. Is this film propaganda for a certain set of ideas or a way of life? Did the writer, director and actors intend for you to have the reactions that you have expressed here? Aren't you just a bit suspicious and critical of the film and the black and white division between Commodus and Maximus? Such a bad and nasty Emperor and such a loyal gladiator! One is a 'good Roman' and the other is just out for himself? Doesn't it all seem a little too simple? So, again, is this film propaganda for an idea of loyalty? To answer this, look at which country produced it and when it was produced. How is the film 'constructed' to provide a lesson to the audiences of that country of its origin? Is it really about Rome, or about the country it came from? What was happening in that country in the years just before it was created?

We will discuss these issues in class next week. Answer them on your blogs before then and be ready with your answers next week. 

Thank you. 

Ray Langenbach 
Mobile Malaysia: (+6) 012-391-6909

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Gladiator (2000)

For me The best scene in Gladiator is almost the end of the movie when Maximus fight with  Commodus, all the people are supporting Maximus, when Commodus ask a swords from Quintus & nobody was give him. It is show the support from the Maximus, and the passion of it. After he win & he lie down on the floor, he tell the true & the scene is coming out the image of the place which is so nice, and touching, and the background music is pretty, the music is create kind of image popping up on mind.

Besides that i do remember Maximus: My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.” In a movie that’s full of confrontations and battles, this moment rises above them all.  To me, Maximus taking off his helmet and showing himself to Commodus is also one of the coolest moments in movie history.

LIEW HENG YEE (1107526)


At this scene, after maximus killed 7 men,
he throw the sword to the platform when the landlord belongs and start shouts:
ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?! (Is this not why you are here)?!"
then maximus throw another sword and walk away. The crowd started shout:"(Spaniard!)"
Maximus just walk away without reponsed to them.
Maximus was so fierce and easy at killing those gladiators. After fatal cross the last gladiator head and throw the sword. From what he shouted was known his angry and despised on those people watching this entertainment, Maximus not kill for fun, he kill for his country.

                                                                                                                               Yap Zi Hui 1201941

Monday, 2 July 2012


This scene is about when Maximus and Commodus fighting.And at the end he finally kill Commodus.Although this scene is bloody violence, but at the end he finally revenge for his lose of loved ones and humiliation of turn into slave.At first, he lose his belief  for life, because he lose of his family,the one that he love,and also his position. But at the end, he fight for himself, his country,and the dignity of life.

From this scene I learn that a people when lose every thing will arouse their fighting.We must be strong and brave when we lose something important and try to fight it to get it back.

Chew Yih Haan 1200632


I like this scene which she said "Rome worth one good man's life? we believed it, let us believe it again.."
touched me, Maximus considered scarified himself, save Rome, save Luxis' life, save the slaves.. he is a great man who is the perfect protector of Rome, he also complete his duty which get from the previous king.

Low Thin Thin

Gladiator Review

This is the screen I like the most, The Commodus aware of their own can never be the Maximos opponent, they put contaminated with poisonous sea snake dagger force stabbing Maximos right shoulder locks hanging, then life guard captain Qantas to helphe put on his armor, to cover up the wound, to ensure that the Maximos in gladiatorial combat certain death (really despicable to the extreme!) but even so, frankly Maximos to calmly deal with, because he has long for this moment of the hope has been a long time, his own hands for his dead wife and children reported that blood feud, Maximos in the body of toxic still doing out tricks of Commodus beaten to death in the arena floor. At this point, finally had to own only wish Maximos also pleased to pour down, smiled and closed his eyes, pushed open the door to the door leading to the afterlife, embarked on a search of his wife and children come home the road ·
Chen Jien Sin 1006758
My favorite scene will be the OPENING SCENE - Close up - a rough weathered hand lightly brushes the tops of wheat as the man walks through the tall wheat towards a woman (his wife) and child (his son). In the background can be heard the faint laughter of a child. The man dressed in Roman soldier uniform, is General Maximus.

I like this scene because it shown that He will quickly leaves this pleasant vision to return to Germania where the armour-suited General stands amidst the mud and burned forest, cloaked in a fur cape that protects him from the cold winter air. The General contemplates the battle that is to take place. Turning to join the troops, a small Robin catches his eye as it sits on a bare twig and then flies away. The General Maximus smiles, watching as though a remembrance of his life as a farmer when life was peaceful and innocent, but he is quickly brought back to the reality of the cold day...and to the soldiers who await his signal to begin the battle.
