Friday, 31 August 2012

Museum Islamic Arts

Richard Leong Jun Kai (1002308)

I'm more interested to the decoration on the ceiling. To me, I will be attracted to the decoration first because first I will look to the surrounding.
 Like I what I say I'm interested to these ceiling decoration because of the pattern and the lighting.

The next thing that I interested will be the weapon that used that time named keris. I'm interested by it structure, pattern and status.

candle holder which made with silver.

This large crafted al-Quran will be something that interested me. How long it spend to craft this thing?

The inner structure of the museum ( guideline)

During this visit, I think I learn that how much they value these valuable things. (Al-Quran, The coin, these antique). I had learn the evolution of coins during each era and different places coin. I learn about the a architectural of the Islamic people rooms. What they use to pray and learn more about al-Quran and painting. For sure and the pattern they like to use for decoration.

Richard Leong Jun Kai 

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