Friday, 31 August 2012

Islamic Museum

This is my first time go to the Islamic museum.Before that, my knowledge of this Islamic museum is zero.After I have go visit here, I feel like I have learn more and more about the art of the quran and malay.

This is a quran of china.

This is the biggest quran in this islamic museum.It is made by sewing.I think it will take many time to finish it because this artwork is really really big!!

In this trip to Islamic Museum I have learn many knowledge of Malay.It is not like my imagine.Got a little bit interesting of that.Is got chance I will go again.

Chew Yih Haan  1200632


Borobudur is a ancient temple build at 9th century, since the purpose of building this temple still was unknown but the building structure seem similiar with other civilization building, like ziggurat, maya & egypt pyramid. However, the religion was buddhist. The borobudur consist of 6 level and 1st level till 6th level is square form and the 7~9 level is a near-circle form. At the top of the borobudur, there had a circular stupa and it was surrounder by 72 Bell-shaped stupa. Each stupa contains 1 Buddha statue with different action and also there have 4 buddha statues related to 4 direction such as north, south, east and west.
The north buddha is Abhaya mudra related to the brave,unfearless of human.
The buudha statue was doing Meditation and his right palm turn toward to front direction.
The south buddha is Vara mudra related to the moral, charity of human.
The buudha statue was doing Meditation and his right palm turn toward to upper direction.
The west buddha is Dhyana mudra related to the concentrated force of human.
The buudha statue was doing Meditation and his both hand was holding his belly.
The east buddha is Bhumisparsa mudra related to the calling the Earth to witness.
The buudha statue was doing Meditation and his right palm turn toward to down direction.

Circular stupa on borobudur

Tiger form Drainage holes

Yap Zi Hui 1201941

Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia

The Fatimid and Ayyubid Empired
After visiting the Islamic arts Museum now I only know that the Mosque around the world is huge grand sight. There are different type of Mosque around the world, Different country they have their own country culture for example, this is I most unforgettable it is china Mosque it is totally different from the others Mosque, it just look like old ancient building in china, it didn’t have around shape it just like China general building it only use the moon logo on the roof top let people know it is a Islamic Mosque. For me most impressive Mosque is The Fatimid and Ayyubid Empired, there look like a fantasy just like playing game but these places is really in part of the earth, I mean what I see this architect design normally just will in the game or animation. 

All around the World

Besides that, there are also have different between India & China Islamic collection for example, the appliance even is same as Islamic but there are totally different, they just like mix culture, China + Islamic, India + Islamic. In the other hand, about the interior Islamic arts is not lose than Europe country , they also have detail & beautiful interior I can see it all the interior patter maybe is inspire by natural, they using kind like a flower shape, plants shape form a patter onto the wall, pillar, celling. 

In addition, I found out in the Quran I look it closely the hand writing is very fine, the ink not like pen ink is look like printer machines ink, just look like a printer print out. If the original old Quran or maybe a very old book the ink should become fades, the ink will be fade & decolonization. I’m not sure yes or not, is it in this Museum they renew or re-condition all things? 

And yet in this museum some of the items is lack of information, it really inconvenient if you want to know the items about

Besides that this museum logo is so interesting it look like a QR bar code, but I’m not sure what is the meaning after Google it, for my own analysis it may a Arab typography . 

Museum Logo look like a QR bar code.
QR Bar Code.

Between these I like the Islamic logo/symbol, simple, clear, systematic like a patter sometime it look like a flower, a blooming flower. For my own personal I like patter most actually, it is grand, also can express a lot of thing about. Sometime Islamic decorative a bit alike with the western decorative, like the curve, or some of it is inspire by the nature just look like a pant. 

Logo Look like QR bar code

Wood Patter & India Islamic sword.
Textile & Huge Vase


Muzeum Islamic Arts

Chen Jien Sin 1006758

 Museum Guide

I'm interesting in this mosaic at first, the mosaic is make by using marble and shape in triangle, and the combination of the diamond shape inside the mosaic is similar with the logo of Mitsubishi.

This is another logo that make me interested on it, this is one of the jawa writing book, the pattern or the drawing in the book is like a machine or something factory process of something. so i curious what is the drawing mean and what is the object in the drawing.
 Golden jawa writing book.

This is a Ceramics in jade or something expensive materials, the color of the ceramic is nice and the pattern on the ceramic is simple but the whole design is attractive.

During the visit i learn the previous culture of Islamic country such as the language, writing, architectural, clothing and etc. There are many different type os Al-Qur'an and many thing more that show up the Islamic culture.

Museum Islamic Arts

Richard Leong Jun Kai (1002308)

I'm more interested to the decoration on the ceiling. To me, I will be attracted to the decoration first because first I will look to the surrounding.
 Like I what I say I'm interested to these ceiling decoration because of the pattern and the lighting.

The next thing that I interested will be the weapon that used that time named keris. I'm interested by it structure, pattern and status.

candle holder which made with silver.

This large crafted al-Quran will be something that interested me. How long it spend to craft this thing?

The inner structure of the museum ( guideline)

During this visit, I think I learn that how much they value these valuable things. (Al-Quran, The coin, these antique). I had learn the evolution of coins during each era and different places coin. I learn about the a architectural of the Islamic people rooms. What they use to pray and learn more about al-Quran and painting. For sure and the pattern they like to use for decoration.

Richard Leong Jun Kai 